Time Keepers

Volunteering Requirments

Thank you for volunteering to run the clock and/or keep score for your team. You are considered an official and should remain neutral while doing this task. You also must complete the USA Hockey volunteering requirements to participate. You can find these requirements in the Resource section under For Parents and Volunteering

ETR Clock Instuctions

During the summer of 2024 ETR got new clocks!!

Below are the instuctions for the new ETR clocks.

Score Sheet Instuctions

  1. Use the CHC Official game report sheet to keep all games.
  2. Make sure to fill out the top section with age level, date and rink
  3. Use roster stickers for both teams. Please ask both coaches to cross-off any player or coach that will not be participating in that game
  4. Fill out scoring and penalties accurately throughout the game
  5. End of game make sure all Refs and both Head Coaches sign the score sheet
  6. Give the winning team the white and yellow copies and the losing team the pink copy. In the event of a tie the home team will get the white and yellow
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